A geek I am not

There are many definitions of what a geek is, and while others find it offensive to be addressed as such, it is an honor for some to be considered as one. According to Wikipedia, a geek is…

A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and new media. Geeks are adept with computers, and use the term hacker in a positive way, though not all are hackers themselves.

OK, this is just one of the many definitions about geeks which best describes those who are computer geniuses, of which I am not. That’s why I’m glad my techie bro is a certified computer geek, and I say that with much admiration. He is a well-rounded person, and is a genius not just with computers but with other aspects of life as well – sports, cooking and baking (yup! he can bake yummy bread and cakes), dance, music, community service, and more.

Few days ago, techie bro helped me out with upgrading my travel blog to the latest version of WordPress. I tried reading the instructions at the WordPress site but they seem like alien language to me. LOL. Thankfully, he guided me through with making a backup of my database, and uploading the new version to my cPanel. After the whole process which took about two hours, my blog was finally upgraded. Thanks to my geeky bro! He said I was actually the one who did the whole thing and he just guided me through. Yup, I couldn’t agree more with him but I am still wondering how he knew and understand the entire process without somebody teaching him how to do it. He said he just read the instructions. Well, that’s what I did too but I just didn’t get it like he did. He further explained that his work as a system administrator deals with databases so he can readily understand the process.

After doing the upgrade successfully with techie bro’s help, I now realize that being exposed to computer and technology processes provides a good background for more understanding of techie stuff. Reading and doing research, asking help and questions from the experts – these are just few of the factors to enlighten and clear up some confusion. It’s essential to learn from informative articles such as the Web Hosting Geek’s Blog where you can browse about news and discussions concerning the Internet and the web hosting industry. Articles that explain about the types of hosting (free, shared or dedicated), green hosting, control panels and more are featured in this webhosting blog.

Making time for learning new things is good investment. It means you will be more self-sufficient about techie stuff for future projects. I’ve also gained additional confidence to do another WordPress upgrade (for this blog) now that I have an idea about how it’s done after going through it myself.

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