A close friend is a Yolanda victim in Palo, Leyte

Last December 29, 2013, our homeowners association just had a get-together with a contribution of only P30.00 (for a minimal snack) per person who would attend. It was agreed in a previous meeting, that whatever we would spend for food in a Christmas Party would instead be collected in a fund to be given to victims of supertyphoon Yolanda. We thank God for its success; we had our fellowship and bonding with the least expense.

When that worst of typhoons, Yolanda, struck in Leyte, we were so concerned for a close family friend, a previous co-homeowner of the subdivision where we now live. And rightly so, when I had contacted N, that first week of December, I heard her thrilling story of how it was for their family, and how they survived, though their house (no upper floor) has only the concrete walls around left, with the whole roofing blown away, and even personal belongings gone with the strongest of winds!

I have suggested to our association then, and many have acceded, that our Yolanda fund (whatever will be the amount collected, as this is voluntary, and according to each heart’s desire) will be given as help to the family of N, a pioneer homeowner of our subdivision, now living in one of the most damaged areas in the Eastern Visayas hit by the super typhoon.

It is the Lord God Who will reward our kindness and bigheartedness, as He is pleased with, and knows, all of our good deeds.
Let’s all be thankful that God cannot be outdone in generosity!”

The above quote is part of our letter to collect this fund which is on-going. We thank God for those who will respond to the call, with whatever amount they can share. May their tribe increase!

Photo by AFP/Ted Aljibe

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