
A book meme

Been tagged again with another meme! This time it’s from Jun of Rendition ( It’s quite simple. Here’s how it works:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag three people.

Here are the sentences from the book I opened – ‘The Tipping Point’ by Malcolm Gladwell:

But Sesame Street just somehow never took that idea and ran away with it. They knew that kids did this some of the time, but they never tried to build a show around that idea. Nickelodeon did some pilot shows before Blue’s Clues where kids would be explicitly asked to participate, and lo and behold, there was a lot of evidence that they would.

This time I will be tagging people (I know this will be quite easy for you):
1.    Karol @
2.    Raine @
3.    Ric @

Let’s see what’s inside that book nearest you. 😀


16 replies on “A book meme”

ric and raine: lotsa thanks for doing the meme so fast! well, it's quite simple actually… 🙂 i enjoyed reading your books (in three sentences, that is)

snglguy: yep, i think so, that's why you're in my 'reserve' list for the more difficult memes. just kidding!!! 😀

The good thing about this 'meme' is that you will never know the outcome, like what you did! Ano yun hehe! Sesame and blues clues–paki conect LOL. anyways, it's cool!

tin-tin: It's a book that seeks to explain "social epidemics"… how little things can make a big difference.
According to the author, a small idea can spread to become a contagious 'epidemic' if it is sticky enough as an idea, and if it is lucky enough to be championed by a good mix of Connectors (people who know a lot of other people), Mavens (people who know a lot about a particular thing or things), and Salesmen. (got this from wikipedia)
The propagation of memes across the blogosphere is an example of a social epidemic. 🙂

jef: Hehehe… ginawang example yung two popular children shows to illustrate one of the concepts sa book. 🙂

bilib ako syo. you love to read books that are somehow like textbooks. hehe. kse ako storybook dapat. hehehe ;p

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