
Finding ‘x’

Got this in my email inbox…

If you analyze the following equations, you can see that they were solved by a Math ‘genius’! He he…




Most people I know abhor everything about Mathematics and its buddies – Algebra, Geometry, Differential Equations, Calculus and anything that involves numbers. They’d rather be contemplating on paintings from art galleries and exhibits or get immersed in Pablo Neruda’s beloved poems.

But if you ask me, it is more an advantage for a person’s brain to understand few mathematical equations and be given some problems to analyze and solve, than to memorize few pages of History or Social Studies. The thing is, I am not that good with remembering words and paragraphs. I am more comfy with numbers and symbols. How about you?


15 replies on “Finding ‘x’”

funny! 😀
i'm actually more comfy w/ words but i ended up taking an eng'g course. i haven't figured "why" till now but never regretted it though coz somehow i knew it helped me in analysis though i also can't explain "how"

raine: yup, funny indeed! i was amused with how the equations were solved.
what's with the "why" and "how"? hehe… well, at least you're enjoying your career right now, di ba? 🙂

hahaha… kakatawa naman yung answers. tutuo ba yan? We don't nned to be Phytagora to answer that. High school test ba yan?

I have to admit, I'm not much in to Math in my elementary and high school days (being more inclined to economics and history back then). But when you got to college and you are bombarred with so many equations in Advanced Algebra, Trigo, Analytics, calculus and structural design calculations for 5 years, you have no choice but to study them to have a grade that will see you though graduation.

Ika nga, if you can't beat them, join them!

honestly, when i received this in my email, i didn't get it. i just understood it when mai posted it in her blog and explained it. ang slow ko grabe! hahaha

Rey: yup, kakatawa talaga. well, looks like some high school Math though.
you're right about having no choice when in college, we really have to accept Mathematics as part of our lives.
"…if you can't beat them, join them!" < true, but some of my classmates just shifted to other courses.

tin-tin: so you also got this in your inbox. hehe, actually i was curious one evening when i saw my dad laughing in front of the computer, yun pala he was reading this email sent by my bro.

snglguy: hehe really, but at least you survived college huh? 🙂
come to think of it, i know some studes who took up architecture to run away from engineering math, they didn't realize they'd still be encountering math subjects in archi.

raine: about the "venture" … i am still thinking it over… whether i'll do it or not. 🙂 aside from being busy, it's also a challenge actually. mao bilib ko sa imong creativity kay nahimo nimo.

You know what I had a GREAT LAFF with Peter's EXPAND thingee. Grabe napaluha ako dun ah hehehe! He's quite witty, I'd say. He should consider being a comedian. 🙂

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