8 secrets for me

8secrets Cutie sis included Bo Sanchez’s latest book ‘8 Secrets of the Truly Rich’ among the stuff to be sent to where she is — in Prague that is. Thanks to Mariel and Mai-mai! I had to scour the malls for this much requested book only to find out there were no more copies in National Bookstore and we didn’t even know when the new stocks will arrive. Geez…I didn’t know it’s a bestseller!

Good thing, we found the last two copies at Lopue’s. I immediately bought one for my cutie sis. As soon as we arrived home, my Mom started reading it and kept laughing and telling me some funny excerpts from the book. She loves it! The author Bo Sanchez who calls himself ‘the preacher in blue jeans’ got her!

The next day she went back to Lopue’s and bought the last copy. I started reading few chapters last week…it’s a practical and spiritual take on money issues. I’ll be posting my thoughts about the book as soon as I’m done with it.

Related posts:
Money, is it evil? Part 1
Money, is it evil? Part 2
Finding out my ‘whys’
Putting a price tag on one’s self

11 thoughts on “8 secrets for me”

  1. nice no? i got a copy last May, my friend from Manila gave it to me as pasalubong…too special coz it has Bo’s signature on it…written was Tony & Aileen- Be Rich!

  2. leen, am excited to finish the book na. all of Bo’s books are great reads actually, practical gyud ang approach. and yeah, i second the motion on your friend’s dedication on your book. amen to that! 🙂

  3. ei am a big fan of Bo too so i’ll look for a copy of this book soon. the latest i read was “How to find your one true love” which a friend lent me..i’m still digesting the words til now 😉
    when i first heard Bo talk about money issues i thought it was inappropriate but he tackled the subject well and i found it enlightening.

  4. leen, it would be nice to have a book autographed by Bo too! 🙂 sige ah… magread na ko sa book…medyo la na kabalik basa.

  5. raine: yes, i like his approach to money issues, very practical without the element of greed. I have read the OTL book too… funny tips on relationships and dating 😉 hehehe….

  6. daisy: you’re very much welcome! basta ikaw, kurog gyud ko! 😉 dungan ta read, para discuss nato ang book dayon. 🙂

  7. I wanted to buy Bo’s book talaga. Kaso i have no time to go to the book store to buy one…. but i’m planning to buy one next week… thanks… i love your blog… i’ll link you up… so much inspiration on your blog.

  8. Hi, Saw that you mentioned “Bo Sanchez” if so – you might be interested to reserve your Nov 28-29, 2009 for a chance to hear him live/see him/have your books signed at the Araneta Coliseum for the once in a lifetime event “Dream Big, Win Big”.
    It’s a big learning event about “dreaming big in your life and using your core gifts to follow your dream”. Yes it’s a catholic event, there’s mass and worship but there’s also a lot of singing and dancing and comedy as well as the huge message on big dreams. See you or your friends there!
    Conference Details at http://www.kerygmaconference.com
    Make sure you’re subscribed to Bo’s Blog and Newsletter: http://www.bosanchez.ph

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