6 Tips for Hiring a Contractor

The right contractor can make or break your home remodel. But what if you aren’t sure how to find the right one? What criteria should you be using in your search? Here are just six tips for hiring a contractor.

1. Check Their Credentials

Are they licensed by the state? Do they have any professional affiliations with organizations like the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America? Have they been vetted by the Better Business Bureau?

2. Ask About Insurance

Never let an uninsured contractor work on your home. Not only can you be liable for any injuries they incur, but you might also find yourself on the hook for anything that breaks, sparks or malfunctions.

3. Create a Timeline

Timelines are critical for keeping a remodeling project on track. If a contractor tries to brush off your attempts to create a schedule, you’ll know right away that they’re the type to drag things out for increased profits.

home renovation project

4. Talk About Pricing

Speaking of profits, you’ll definitely want to sit down with your contractor and talk money. Do they charge for their estimates? Will they bill you by the hour or by the room? How much does their average remodel cost? Are things like labor and materials separate?

5. Read Their Reviews

The most honest assessments of contractors come from their previous clients. Even if you got a strong referral from family or friends, look up your contractor on the Internet. You’ll want to know in advance if they’re perpetually late or under investigation for theft.

6. Schedule a Consultation

At the end of the day, nothing can replace a face-to-face with your chosen contractor. Allow them to come into your home and view the intended work area firsthand. Do they seem personable and knowledgeable? Do they speak with intelligence? Do they give you a good vibe?

These are just a few things to keep in mind as you search for a renovation contractor. Remember, this is a person who will have access to your home, family and valuables, so you’ll want to make absolutely sure you only choose the best. Good luck!

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