Life Simply Me

We grow by our questions

If you will be asked these simple questions, what would you answer?

I’m sharing my own responses in pink:

What are the 3 things that scare me? Earthquakes / Accidents / Cockroaches and other yucky pests

Who are the 3 people who can make me laugh? Bitoy aka Micheal V. (yari ka!!!) / Gollum aka Smeagol (my preciousssssss….) / Shrek (he’s really a cool and funny ogre)
Actually ANYBODY can make me laugh… I get a good laugh from a funny show, a witty conversation, or some silly talk with kids. period. :))

What are the 3 things I love? Travel / Kids / Music …can I add more to this list? 😀

What are the 3 things I hate? Wars / Discrimination of all sorts – racial, gender, social status, age, looks, whatever! / Pride (chicken, hehe…)

What are 3 things I don’t understand? Politics / The missed call dilemma: why I get calls when my cellphone is not with me and I don’t get calls when it’s with me / The big gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’

What are the 3 things on my desk? A pink Mickey Mouse pen stand / A desk tray / A lamp (*looks at desk* yikes…my desk is a mess!)

What are 3 things I’m doing right now? Doing some plans in AutoCAD / Chatting on Yahoo Messenger / Listening to mp3s full blast (aside from doing this meme… multi-tasking huh!)

What are 3 things I want to do before I die? Travel around the world (I want to slide down the pyramids of Egypt, swim in the Niagara Falls, straighten the leaning tower of Pisa, hehehe / Build a school for the less-privileged but talented kids / Experience financial and time freedom (yeahhh, who wouldn’t?…:))

What are 3 things I can do? Bake yummy pandesal (wanna taste?) and other goodies – cakes and breads / Play the guitar / Make beaded accessories

What are 3 ways to describe my personality? Simple / Friendly / Serene

What are 3 things people might not know about me? When I was in HS I wanted to be a boy, I sported a short boyish hair and was so delighted when somebody called me “’to!” (shortcut for Toto which means little boy), hehehe… those were the times of identity crisis I guess, now I’m pretty much sure of my gender / I am nearsighted so I wear contact lenses / I sleep with my two teddies beside me

What are 3 things I can’t do? Drive (poor Dad, he’s the family driver) / Swim / Use chopsticks like a pro

What are 3 things I think you should listen to? Nature – leaves rustling, rain falling, pounding waves / That endearing voice of a toddler singing a nursery song (so cuteee!) / Positive encouraging words (they’re food for the soul)

What are 3 things I don’t think you should listen to ever? Gossip / Negative suggestions (this is bad for you) / Anything from a fortuneteller or card reader

What are 3 of my absolute favorite foods? Seafood / Pasta / Veggies

What are 3 things I’d like to learn? How to play the guitar like Joe Satriani (ambisyosa gyud!) /  Speak Thai language fluently (sawasdee ka!) / How to do photorealistic 3D graphics (self study on-going)

What are 3 beverages I drink regularly? H2O (tubig!!!) / Hot Milo w/ milk: 3 tbsps Milo + 2 tbsps powdered milk + hot water = yummy! / Hot chocolate 

What are 3 shows I watched when I was a child? I seldom watch TV as a child, so I don’t remember any show, I was always out of the house playing hide and seek with my playmates, or play with dolls, and other girly stuff

This is actually a meme and thanks to Jairam aka Jane, the pretty insomniac, for tagging me.

When I first scanned the questions, they seemed so pretty easy. I was so confident I could answer them within few minutes. But as I went through each of them one by one, I realized the simplest questions are the ones that are actually the most difficult to answer. These are actually powerful questions. What things do I love? How would I describe myself? What are the things that get on my nerves? Wow. These questions are so hard to answer…maybe I don’t know myself that much?

This brings to mind a talk by a very successful businessman. He was stressing about the ‘Power of Questions’. Asking a question to another person puts you in the offensive. You can distinguish a person by the questions he asks. I don’t know from which book he got this insight but I liked it when he said that “We grow by our questions” which means we have to challenge and ask ourselves questions that enrich us and awaken us. For example, “When are you going to resume your exercise routine?” or “What’s holding you back from talking to that sales prospect?” Oh well, questions like that are complicated, but the questions in this particular meme are oh-so-simple… and yet, I’ve been scratching my head for some honest-to-goodness answers.

I won’t be tagging anybody in particular, (you can breathe easily now, hehe…) BUT if you want to do this meme… why not? Do let me know, OK? I’m curious to read your ‘three things’ too. 😀


17 replies on “We grow by our questions”

I used to play the guitar too, I had 2 of them in fact. A classic and a folk guitar. Although I admit, Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits I am not… 😀

hello Carey, you're so sweet for doing the tag. so you're from the Visayas region? i spent 18 months in Mactan, Cebu, i love the place and enjoyed every single moment of my stay.
gives you a virtual cup of milo and – daghang salamat 🙂

whew! i thought i'm being tagged. dami ko kseng meme ngayon. hehe.

you're absolutely right! when you read it you thought it is just easy but once you start on it, hirap pala. sobrang natuwa ako sa mga sagot mo 🙂

very honest post… hehe learning Thai (wow, i thought everyone just wanted to learn Japanese and italian)

btw. if you could write your email, i could send you the acoustic vn of Who I am hates who iv Benn by Relient K.

also id like to invite you to the website this monday, its the first radio episode.

"… But as I went through each of them one by one, I realized the simplest questions are the ones that are actually the most difficult to answer. "

Right on! Tumpak. Pinag-isip ako ng malalim ng mga napaka simpleng mga tanong hehe!

Arkitekto pud diay ka day? 🙂 Unsa man imo gitun-an nga 3d software? Studio Max? Viz? Maya? SketchUp is a good tool too for quick preliminary presentations.

snglguy: me too, i don't play the guitar nowadays, pero once i start strumming, i can't keep track of time na rin…these days, blogging has been my idea of a good break, blame it on the Internet. 😀 i don't play like a real pro too, kaya marami na tayo. hehe…what's really important is the timing, diba?

jane: no probs! it was fun doing the meme though a bit difficult for me. i'm here in Neg. Occ. I spent some years in Cebu too, and like u, i love that place and i miss it na rin. sigh. *gulps down the virtual cup of Milo* thanks! that was yummy.

tin-tin: hehe… the memes are multiplying exponentially! i have to do another one c/o snglguy pa, uhaaaa… buti naman natuwa ka sa mga sagot ko… 😀

kuazee: i'd really like to learn Thai coz i would need it when i visit Thailand again (wishful thinking), most Thais don't understand English, so it's really difficult to communicate with them, i only know some very important sentences for survival.
wow, pls send the mp3 file to ideasnpink[at]gmail[dot]com, thanks (1000x)!!!
…will be dropping by your site later!

jef: yep! i read ur answers too. parang sumasagot tayo nga exam ano? mas mahirap pa ata kesa math.

rey: mao man tingali, hehehe.. Viz akong gitun-an. how about you? what software do you use for 3D? unsa man pud nang SketchUp? mura man nag ketchup… where can i learn more about this?

i think i'll do this meme for lack anything better to wanted to be a boy before?i did it w/o much effort LOLS apir sa contact lens! 🙂

raine: soft imong contacts? mine's semi-soft. what color? blue? hehehe…
i will dropping by your blog for your 'three things', then we will submit this to PRC for checking and see if we passed.

Swim the Falls? I hope you're not thinking upstream, that would be the first attempt. Click my handle and you'll see that 100 meters away, me and the Bibs already awashed in cold showers. I was thinking about it, the water just too cold.. all the time..but then whatever "meme" means I'll be there watching you..

[14] disposable akong lens, color refd LOLS clear noh hehehe PRC jud!? 🙂 hope you liked the files i sent you

vic: click here for the definition of 'meme'. it's like a chain.
about the Falls, that's really one of my dream places to visit (wishful thinking!), dunno how to swim actually… hehe

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