
At the crossroads

     What to decide?

     So many options.

     What motivates me?  Fear, greed, pride, anger, desire, love, faith?

     Am I afraid to fail if I start something new?

     Am I afraid to make mistakes?

     What is my priority in life?  What are my first things?

     What are the relationships that will be affected by my decision?

     What are the circumstances and events that could happen after I decide?

Life is a journey and there will always be that lure, that wicked enticement that draws one’s heart…

to do the easier way, even if it would result to dire circumstances, rather than to exercise the least act of self-denial that builds one’s strength,

     to pass through the wider path, even if it would lead to self-destruction, rather than go with much difficulty through the narrow road that leads to the truth,

     to compromise integrity in exchange for the fleeting attraction of gaining approval and popularity,

     to exchange the value of the future with the whims of the present time.

Just two paths… and the choice I make now would very much determine what I will be tomorrow.

6 replies on “At the crossroads”

yup. your choice now would determine what you will be tomorrow, that's why i pray that you'll make the right decisions today 🙂

Life is really tough. It's a good thing that there's always Someone up there watching and guiding us.

it's good that u are askin this as early as now. I hope that u'd be able to discern the answers to the questions honestly, truthfully, and be guided by this star. 🙂

@tin-tin: Thanks, you're an angel! I'll be praying for you too. =)

@jun: So true, He will really guide us to the right path… all we have to do is to trust where He is leading us.

@mischarmed: Yes, discernment is really needed before a decision is made… and these questions do guide me, but they are quite difficult to answer though.

"the choice I make now would very much determine what I will be tomorrow." – So so true, coming from someone who's been on that path and is now reaping what he's sown. So much regret….

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