15 Idiosyncrasies about me

It’s meme time again and I got tagged by Raine (floraine.blogspot.com), Virus (ramblingvirus.i.ph) and Wil (wilreyes.blogspot.com) with a meme about listing 15 idiosyncrasies about me. Now, some of them are not really that weird or unusual but I am running out of things to talk about myself, I guess I still have to snap myself out of my blog hiatus mode. Sorry, but I had to borrow some from the 6 weird things meme I did before.

Here they are, weird or otherwise, enjoy reading my list:

1. I sometimes wake up with music playing in my mind which I haven’t heard before. If only I know how to write down the notes, I might come up with a new hit. 😉


2. I drink Gatorade to keep me up on late nights. When I have a deadline for a project, you can see empty bottles of Gatorade accumulated in the kitchen a week after.

3. I get misty-eyed watching sad parts of cartoons or animated films.

4. I find ironing clothes therapeutic, seeing the crumples and creases being straightened and flattened out with just a smooth glide of the iron on it.

5. I scrape the remaining egg white inside used egg shells and put it on my face as a quick facial mask.

6. I have an inventory in excel file of a list of some books and souvenirs I keep.

7. My fave veggies are the slimy ones like okra pods, alogbate, asparagus, takway, and tugabang.

8. My fave homemade sandwich is TLC — Tomato, Lettuce and Cheese — heated for 10 seconds on a microwave.

organizers9. I have this unusual fondness for pocket sized notebooks and organizers. I was recently at a bookstore, making an extremely important decision of which notebook to buy, and ended up buying all four of them. 🙂 I realized I’m not alone in this ‘notebook collection craze’ after reading Raine’s 15 idiosyncracies post.

10. I love reading dark grey text on white background, and I’m addicted to the fonts Trebuchet MS (the font you’re seeing on this blog’s entries) and Arial (the font I used for the title of each entry).

11. Most of the books I have are all about financial freedom, business, wealth and self-development. Tsk… now, how to apply? hehe

12. I sometimes practice auto-suggestion (feeding the subconscious mind with positive thoughts) before going to sleep.

sipil13. I can study and solve mathematical equations better when I have upbeat music in the background.

14. I’m attracted to ‘butingtings’ or accessories or anything cutesy.

15. And what’s this sticking out near my left ear? Yikesss
In Hiligaynon dialect it’s called ‘sipil’. Sorry I dunno the English term for it (anybody who knows?), it’s a natural growth and others say it’s a lucky charm (though I dont believe in them). My Dad used to tease me by rubbing it (just like Alladin’s lamp) and murmuring some magic words like, “sipil, sipil, tagai kami kuarta!” (sipil, give us money!) when I was still a kid, and I was hoping lots of cash would suddenly appear. 🙂

Now it’s tagging time! I’m tagging Tony (techxplore.net), Tin-tin (prettytin.blogspot.com), Bea (beatriz.i.ph), Daisy (dazeee.i.ph), Alternati (sarcasm-aside.blogspot.com) and Aileen (simplepleasures.i.ph). I’m looking forward to reading your lists. Enjoy doing this meme! 🙂

17 thoughts on “15 Idiosyncrasies about me”

  1. you really love me noh? hehehe. ako lagi natatag. hehehe. i think i did this na before. 15?? dme! waaah! kokopya na din lang ako. hehehe.
    ang dami mo palang notebook, dapat isula tmo dun yung mga notes or lyrics nung naririnig mo pagkagising mo. siguro yung angel mo yun, kinakantahan ka 🙂

  2. Thanks for doing the meme, Carey.
    I’m not into slimy vegetables although I like steamed asparagus. 😀
    Excel file of your books and souvenirs? That is unusual. hehe
    You can also just look for a musically-inclined person to transcribe the notes for you and you guys can be music partners. Baka next hit na yan. 😀

  3. if you recommend #2 and 5, i will try them.
    #8 – do you also put the lettuce when you heat up your sandwich? i guess it tastes better if crisp.

  4. tin-tin: oo labs talaga kita. hehehe… i like yung idea mo about my angel singing those unknown songs to me. hmmm… pwede rin. 🙂
    virus: you’re welcome! 😛

  5. Wil: you’re welcome. i like steamed asparagus too, esp. when eaten with steamed fish fillet.
    hehehe, i’ll try to remember the melody next time a song comes up when i wake up. hirap din kasi, sometimes it fades faster than i can remember. i really should know how to transcribe the notes. 🙂

  6. SexyMom: #5 is highly recommended, esp for sunburns sa face, may cooling effect yung egg white. then my cousin used to put it on her pimples. it’s nice for tightening the pores. leave on face for few minutes and rinse. 🙂
    on #2, yung gatorade, it works for me coz its caffeine-free and i notice it keeps me awake on late nights. pero am not sure if it would work for u.
    on #8, yup crispy pa rin ang lettuce, basta 10 secs lang. just enough to melt the cheese a bit.

  7. na-tag pala ako dito hehehe. thanks.
    hey, pareho tayo sa #4 and #7. therapy ko rin mag-plantsa. i prefer ironing than doing the laundry. favorite veggies ko rin ang mga yan, kahit na nga bawal ang okra for my hyperacidity, kain pa rin ako heheh.

  8. bea: same here, mas prefer ko magplantsa kaysa maglaba. 😉
    nakaka-hyper pala ang okra? hmmm…didn’t know that.

  9. on # 1-i was about to say that you’re like Ally Mcbeal but “haven’t heard before” well that put things on a new perspective …try songwriting carey
    on #s 3,9,12,14-apir!
    welcome back! 🙂

  10. raine: hay unsaon man nang songwriting uy? don’t even know how to read notes. waaa…
    apir!!! hehehe… thanks for the welcome. 😉

  11. #5I have an inventory in excel file of a list of some books and souvenirs I keep.
    I also have these. But instead of books and souvenirs, I got an inventory of my business in Ragnarok Online, an MMORPG that I play.
    I love those fonts as well 😀

  12. hi Paris, on #5, i just love to organize things. if i played Ragnarok Online, i would’ve done the same thing.
    yeahh…most of my docs are using these two fonts. am not a big fan of Times New Roman.
    thanks for the visit! 🙂

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