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One evening, I let my mom read this blog. She knows I’ve been blogging lately, and kept asking me when I will let her read my blog. Actually, we already had some lively discussion about what a blog is, how blogs are invading the Internet, and all that stuff. I even told her that I would like to feature her medical journey (being in the hospital twice already) so others would learn from her experience. Oh well, she told me she wanted to write it herself (as if she would have the time for it anyway).

So there she was, late in the evening, preparing to immerse herself with my write-ups here, and me, I was just curious how she would react – after all, it’s not some real estate news she’ll be browsing through but my personal thoughts and ideas.

It so happened that my latest entry that time was about the weird meme. She can’t relate to it, and disagreed with the title, me being weird that is. So I just clicked my ideas in pink archives to let her read even more weird stuff. Hehe… anyway, she read my post about my monthly period and got amused. Then she continued reading the next entries, until she read my post about writing letters to myself. She paused a bit and told me she didn’t know I was having such a tough time with my review. Then she continued reading and told me, “You get to know more about a person through what she writes.” I agreed with her. I thought, maybe she didn’t realize some things about me yet.

It was getting late, so I told her to go and sleep. “Okay, just one more entry,” she promised. He he…I was secretly pleased, she actually got hooked with my blog! After reading an entry about my day at the beach, she surprisingly planted an affectionate kiss on my cheek. Huh! A kiss??!! Well, that’s my Mom. I just smiled. And as I was about to sleep that night, I told myself I won’t trade that even for a Nobel Prize in literature.

A parent’s appreciation is truly priceless.