I have been currently experiencing some downtime lately.
Tuesday, last week, I got a terrible headache. Could it be because I didn’t cover my head with an umbrella or a cap when I was out in the drizzle the previous evening? (By the way, is it really true that you will catch a cold when you are out in the rain?) Then I also had muscle cramps due to a 45-minute strenuous exercise after two months of stopping. It really was a pain to move my arms and legs. Then on Sunday, good ol’ Scarlet came. Why on earth did she choose to come on Father’s day? I wasn’t able to bake something yummy for my Dad. Instead, I spent the whole afternoon just resting. Then last Tuesday, I had a late lunch on an empty stomach which left me with a weird bloating feeling and later that evening I emptied out everything I had eaten on the water closet – rice, pork, veggies, mangoes and all. Ugh. I felt so weak and dizzy afterwards, and spent the whole night so restless and exhausted, and the day after.
Now, I’m glad to be up and about. It is absolutely important to take care of one’s health. I keep reminding myself this truth. Many many times. I even tell my friends to take care of their bodies, blah blah blah… you know, the usual ‘health is wealth’ stuff. Now, I’m getting a dose of my own admonitions. Hehe… oh well, sometimes I just take for granted what really matters most… my health. Ooops, it’s dinner time! Have to take care of myself, right?
By the way, aren’t Thursdays my favorite blogging days? Funny, but I notice I’ve been posting my entries on three consecutive Thursdays already.
i think you can catch colds from the rain. hope you're feeling way better now. and next time when you're really hungry, try to eat slowly at wag biglain. kse sasakit tiyan mo. hehe
Yup tin-tin, I agree with eating slowly. I usually eat my food unhurriedly. My mistake was that I ate too much that time. The food was really yummy, plus I was just too hungry, so… 🙁
No it's not true that you can catch a cold after being soaked in the rain. It's usually the stress from the sudden cold that lowers down your body's defenses against the common cold virus.
Yeah babeh, it's good ol stress that's gonna kill us one day. 🙂
Have a nice weekend ahead, carey. 🙂
Thanks for the info snglguy! Have a great weekend too. 🙂
my mom always reminds me to drink plenty of water after being out of the rain.. 🙂
Shane, that reminds me to continue with my 8 glasses/day water therapy. I agree with your mom, lots of water is good for the health.
I agree with Snglguy…you need a break once in a while to de-stress:) Thursday as blogging day? Make everyday a Thursday then!
Hi Jane, thanks for dropping by! Yep, it's the stress that lessens our resistance to colds and other forms of diseases.
Thursday as blogging day? Not anymore I guess. I haven't posted anything and it's already Friday. =)